Passion Flower Extract As A Natural Anxiety Remedy
Passion Flower extract is something that I've just recently become aware of for it's anxiolytic properties. I've tried quite a few different natural and chemically synthesized remedies for anxiety relief over the years, just off the top of my head this list more recently including Kratom, Phenibut, CBD oil, Rescue Remedy, Skullcap, Valerian and I guess alcohol.
Out of all those things, Kratom was about the only thing that lived up to the hype, and I was happy to take advantage of that back when I lived in the United Kingdom (which worked wonderfully and was a great in many other ways, but is unfortunately banned in my country of residence, Australia – It's now also banned in the United Kingdom and is facing a huge uproar in the USA currently as I write this after being banned coincidentally too).
Needless to say, when one of my trusted health advisers told me to give passion flower a shot, I was skeptical that it would really do anything, and with good reason.
However, I'm very pleased to announce here that for me at least, IT WORKS so far upon testing! Now nothing is the golden bullet when it comes to anxiolytics, and there are usually things you have to manage in terms of side effects, tolerance build up, etc, but I'm just glad that I can affirm that this does actually chill me out quite nicely.
So upon getting some effects from this, I decided to research it much more heavily and learn all I can about it, and that's the reason for this page.
If you're interested in any particular area of learning when it comes to Passion Flower Extract (which I'll often refer to as PFE from this point forward, then click to skip ahead to any of the sections below:
A Basic Intro Into Passion Flower Extract
My First Experience Using This Supplement
Some Of The Scientific Studies Behind Passion Flower Extract
How Passion Flower Extract Functions As An Anxiolytic
The Different Forms Of Passion Flower Extract
Passionflower Extract And Your Personal Genetics
Tolerance Awareness & Management
Supplement Options For Passion Flower Extract
Common Questions About Using Passion Flower
Passion Flower Extract Versions And Comparisons To Other Anxiolytics
Your Experiences And Discussion On PFE
A Basic Intro Into Passion Flower Extract
Passionflower or “Passion Flower” (Passiflora incarnata) originally came from the Americas, passionflower is now regularly found in parts of Europe and has been used traditionally as a calming herb to help people with anxiety, insomnia, general stress, and even such things as sizures and “hysteria” (as a quick note – the term “Hysteria” was used as a term to describe a high level of neurosis that people couldn't understand the cause of back in the day, and so would slap that label on many different things, which we now know have all sorts of different originating biological causes – it was also typically a term used to describe women who were neurotic, totally sexist I know).
Passion flower is now mainly used to manage cases of either anxiety or insomnia. The mechanism by which Passion Flower achieves it's calming affect is based on increasing GABA levels (gamma aminobutyric acid) within the brain. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it has a calming affect on the brain by suppressing the more excitory neurotransmitters such as dopamine, or epinephrine (Adrenalin) [1].
Popular Passion Flower Choices
There have been some studies showing that the anxiety decreasing effects of passion flower extract for people suffering from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) are comparable to oxazepam (also known as Serax). We will further look at the studies related to PFE further down the page.
My First Experience Using This Supplement
I first tried Passion Flower extract in the form of the product “Sedacalm” from an Australian company called bioplus, which I got locally from a GoVita store in my town. The product is in pill form, and each pill contains of Passiflora Incarnata extract at a dose of 500mg.
The product recommends to take 1 with meals 3 x per day, so being the hardcore badass supplement rebel that I am, I took 2 tablets a little after dinner. Now, nothing amazing happened, accept that I fell asleep on the couch really early and really easily, and felt a bit “stoned out”.
I've since done more experimenting with this supplement and found that there is a definite case of said stoning out that occurs if I take too much, so in this case with that particular brand and product at least, the dosage they recommend is good for me.
I've since learned that taking 1 pill in this particular form is good for me for calming and allowing me to focus more easily on my work. It significantly reduces my anxiety which has of late been pretty bad due to various biological and physical issues I'm dealing with, one of them being Pyroluria, and others being methylation issues, etc.
If I take too much, it doesn't feel so good, I feel stoned out, but not really in a way that makes me super happy or anything, more just like I want to go and pass out and sleep for ages, which is not really the affect I'm after most of the time. I'm really looking for a “calm focus” and this product when not taken in excess allows me to get into that state.
Some Of The Scientific Studies Behind Passion Flower
Here we'll look at 4 separate studies on the anxiolytic effects of passion flower extract. This will not be an exhaustive list, as there are literally dozens of studies that have been done on this herb and it's medicinal properties. My aim here is simply to ground the discussion in scientific data, for those readers who need more than just arbitrary evidence.
Study #1 – Passiflora Incarnata Attenuation of Neuropathic Allodynia
Study Source: Pubmed
Study Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26912265
This study was looking at the use of Passiflora incarnata L. methanolic extract and its relative antinociceptive, anxiolytic and sedative effects when performed on a mixture of mice and rats, the rats with a form of diabetic neuropathic allodynia (a form of nerve pain).
The study conclusion was that Passionflower extract may be useful for neuropathic pain. It confirms that PFE use has involvement of opioidergic and GABAergic mechanisms, which confirms the popular opinion that passionflower extract's calming effects are largely related to it's ability to increase the brain's GABA actvity among the more anecdotal reports found during my research.
Regarding the quality of this particular study however, the parameters used and details are not very clear, and so it's not by any means robust enough to determine the efficacy of using PFE for either pain or anxiety relief for humans. There are various important facts about the study that were left out, for example how many mice and how many rats where used, which properties of passion flower extract where being tested in which test subjects, etc.
Study #2 – Passiflora Compose for Anxiety and Sleep Disorders
Study Source: Pubmed
Study Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26828002
This study was done using “passion flower compose”, which I can only assume is largely made up of passionflower extract, but also may include some amount of additional herbs or natural additives. An open label and observational study done in France on 639 long term patients of 98 Doctors (the patients were all with their associated Drs for a minimum of 18 years prior to this study).
The study recorded 2 values related to each patient's anxiety level, and there sleep quality both prior to commencing and after completion (They used both the Hamilton anxiety rating scale or HAM-A for anxiety and the Jenkins sleep scale or JSS measuring relative sleep satisfaction).
401 study participants (approx 62%) used the passion flower compose only, with the rest using a combination of passion flower compose and psychotropics.
The study showed marked decreases in anxiety levels confirming that Passion Flower extract is effective in both decreasing anxiety levels and increasing sleep quality and satisfaction. This was shown by mean anxiety scores decreasing for all tests.
Study #3 – Improves Spatial Memory, Reduces Stress, and Affects Neurotransmission in Rats
Study Source: Pubmed
Study Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26814055
This recent 2016 study was a little different in that it looked at the affects of passionflower extract on certain aspects of cognitive health, including neurotransmitter function, and spatial memory.
The study was done on 4 week old male rats over a period of 7 weeks. The study involved giving the rats a daily dose of passionflower extract at a dose of 30, 100, or 300 mg/kg body weight/day. They consumed the PFE via its addition to their drinking water.
Spatial memory was assessed in the rats via the use of a water maze. Monoamines, and amino acids and their associated metabolites were measured using HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography).
The results showed dose dependent reduced anxiety levels (we should note here that the published study in this form does not say how anxiety levels were measured, though it may have been cortisol monitoring) and improved spatial memory in the rats given PFE compared with the control group.
The study also states that hippocampal glutamic acid and cortical serotonin and stores were depleted (they got used up, with the overall finding again confirming that Passiflora incarnata uses a mechanism of action which has to do with increasing actvitity in GABAA receptors.
Study #4 – The Efficacy of Passiflora Incarnata Linnaeus in Reducing Dental Anxiety in Patients
Study Source: Pubmed
Study Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24724122
An interesting study published in 2013 looking at the use of Passion Flower extract as a natural alternative to be used in managing situational anxiety related to periodontal dental work for patients.
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63 subjects partook in this randomized- one sided blind clinical trial with differing anxiety levels labeled as moderate, high or severe – tested using the VAS score (visual analogue scale). The total subject number were divided into 3 groups of 21, one being the control, one being placebo and the third being treated with the passionflower extract.
The study is a bit weak in that it doesn't say anything about how long the study period went on for, but it is the first study in this particular area of using PFE for anxiety, so it's possible we'll see more work in this area to confirm the results.
The results of the study were tested using Variance Analysis, Chi Square, Tucky and Paired-T using SPSS software. They showed that their was a significant decrease in anxiety levels for the group using passion flower to lower their anxiety whilst the control and negative control (placebo) experienced little change.
This study does not go into any of the mechanism of action details that some of the other studies do, but I thought it was an interesting and more specifically focused look at how passion flower extract can be used to lower situational anxiety levels in many areas.
How Passion Flower Extract Functions As An Anxiolytic
Passion flower extract increases the levels of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) in the brain. Because GABA is one of the inhibitory neurotransmitters, it basically means that it inhibits the excitory neurotransmitters, therefore lowering what we could label as “overstimulation” or hyper arousal mental states.
Anxiety is by nature a state of hyper arousal and ultimately an expression of the FFF aspect of the nervous system (fight, flight or flee), so if we can bring down that over reactive response in the brain and body, then we should feel calmer, and that's basically what GABA increasing supplements or herbs do, especially for those of us who have a genetic or biological predisposition to low GABA activity in the brain.
If you are someone who has issues with anxiety, panic, PTSD, or depression (as it's been shown that all these illnesses are related to lower GABA levels than average) [7] with any sort of repitition in your life, then it could well be that you're deficient in GABA activity and things like passionflower extract will help you to some degree.
It should be noted though that because of the issues with GABA overload/burnout and tolerance, it's not really a great long term solution, and ultimately you'll need to look at the bigger picture, and focus on things like fixing your gut, genetic mutations that need to be corrected via supplement programs (such as over or under methylation issues). I discuss this in a little more depth below in this section. LINK
The Different Forms Of Passion Flower Extract
If you're interested in giving this herb a shot for it's anti anxiety or sleep improving qualities then you might want to try a few different ways of self administering to get the best results. I've currently as of writing this only tested the supplement in pill form, but plan to apply some of these different ways of using it.
Tincture/Liquid Drops
Generally the tinctures come infused with alcohol, though it's possible to get an alcohol free version LINK. The two most popular versions of passionflower extract tincture come in 1 ounce dropper bottles.
Tincture or liquid form of PFE may be a preference for those who don't like swallowing the additives in tablets, and dislike capsules. Generally speaking the 2 products that I could find a good amount of feedback on (1 of them being discussed below here LINK) recommend taking quite a large dosage of drops per sitting for maximal effectiveness for lowering anxiety.
Depending on the product, person and how much effect you are looking for you'll probably need to take around 20-40 drops. Obviously smaller or larger dosages will be personally required to get your “sweet spot” and the only way to really know how much works for you will be to do a little trial and error testing.
It's always a good plan to start off with a lower dose, and test it from there, working your way up until you get a good response from the supplement. This is known as tapering.
The only thing with the tincture form is that it's reported as being pretty foul tasting, so you might prefer to mix it with either water.
Probably the most common way to ingest passion flower extract is to take it in either tablet or capsule form. I personally have so far only used tablets from the company bioplus, but will be switching to try both capsule and tincture forms in the future.
Tablets generally contain more additives than capsules, so it's always good to be aware of this and try and avoid taking them if possible. This is simply because there has to be some kind of binding agent in order to manufacture the tablets
You can often find passion flower tea leaves at your local health food shop or in my case the local organic food co-op. This is another way that you can play around with ingesting PFE, though I'm not sure if it would be as effective in terms of the anxiolytic properties (you may find you have to drink a LOT of tea 🙂 ).
Take the following and combine using a either muslin cloth or a tea infuser, then allow the tea to steep for 5-10 mins for maximum effect.
250 ml of boiled water
1 x teaspoon of dried passionflower leaves (equals 1 tablespoon if using fresh)
Drinking this tea infusion about 1 hour before bed is a great way to wind down for the day if you want to decrease tension and enhance your sleep quality. As with any form of passionflower extract, you do NOT want to over do your intake, as you will getting GABA withdrawal/overload as previously discussed on this page. Not only that, but you will increase your tolerance if you use it too often or in too high a dosage.
Passionflower Extract And Your Personal Genetics
Now this is where we get into one of the big personal beliefs that I have about anyone taking any supplements. Basically we're all very unique and it's important to understand (and live by I think) the crede: “one man's meat is another man's poison”.
This basically translates to learning and understanding about your own biological state and genetics, and how those influences vastly effect the ability of a supplement to help, or in fact make it likely to harm you.
I for example am what is known as TH2 Dominant (more on this soon in another post), am partially a Pyroluriac and have severe methylation pathway issues. All these things are fairly major when it comes to determining whether or not a certain herb or supplement is going to be helpful to me, or conversely hinder or harm me.
So basically, unless you're willing to do a LOT of trial and error to find out what does and doesn't work for you, then I really recommend the 2 pronged approach of 1) getting your genetic analysis done via a company like 23andme.com and 2) working with someone who understands how to read and interpret the genetic report along with your symptoms, and has a grasp on more recently understood concepts such as your personal methylation status, TH1 Vs TH2 dominance, etc.
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These are all really BIG pieces of information to know, and will help you not only KNOW before hand whether or not certain supplements are going to help you or harm you (saving you time, energy, money and suffering), but in many cases will put you on a much faster path to getting your health up to optimal, or getting you out of bad health.
Coming back to the focus of this article, passion flower extract increases TH1, meaning that if you were already TH1 dominant, you will probably want to stay the heck away from it, but on the otherside of the coin, if you're TH2 dominant like myself it will work well for you, and help you come back into balance.
Understanding things like TH1/TH2 dominance explains so many things from my previous experimentation with other apparently calming supplements like CBD oil and L-Theanine. They only make people with TH2 dominance worse, and/or you'll get no effects as was the case when I tried them. There I was just thinking the products were rubbish, as I'd heard so many good reports on these supplements for increasing positive mood, decreasing anxiety, etc.
Tolerance Awareness & Management
Now if it wasn't for GABA withdrawals and the fact that there's a tolerance buildup when using any supplements or herbs that work on increasing GABA receptor activity, then for those of us who have chronic problems with anxiety and who are looking for a reliable way to create a calmer and more down to earth state would be sorted.
Unfortunately a little thing called tolerance comes into play with the use of passion flower extract, and so it's not really going to work to just take it all the time I'm afraid, as you will notice that it will do less and less, as your GABA receptors need a break from time to time to recoup themselves.
I'm still trying to find some decent literature on how to manage the use of supplements that use the GABA increasing mechanism in terms of tolerance management, but for now all I can share is that I've read several anecdotal reports that you shouldn't use any GABA increasing supplements for more than 2 days in a row, and then you should take regular breaks of 2 ++ days as much as possible to allow your system to recuperate.
Back when I used to use phenibut, that was pretty much the way I did it, and I never really had any issues and still got decent effects from using it at relatively low dose (1.5g ish) even after several months to over a year of using it semi regularly.
So until I have some study based information relating to the tolerance management side of using passion flower extract, I'll have to leave it at that when it comes to that particular aspect of using this herb.
Supplement Options For Passion Flower Extract
There are quite a lot of options when it comes to picking a brand for Passion flower extract, not to mention the fact that you have multiple ways of taking it (capsules, tablets, tincture, tea). As I write this I'm still playing around with the experimentation of this supplement for it's anxiolytic effects, and so I write this with a fairly objective opinion.
I will be no doubt ordering more supplements for this particular herb in the future and seeing how they compare, but for now the only version I've actually used is this product from Bioplus called “Sedacalm”.
This product comes in tablet form, and is dosed at 500 mg of the active passiflora incarnata extract per tablet. As I mentioned above, this product has shown me that this form of herbal anxiety relief is definitely something that works, but I will need to play around with brands/forms/dosages a lot more.
Unfortunately this particular brand is not really that easily accessible. I bought it locally via a healthfood store (if you're in Australia then check for it at GoVita).
If not, here's a couple more options based on both personal recommendation from John Brisson (who gives me health coaching) and from my own purely research based opinion and experience with buying similar products online in the past.
Paradise Herbs Passion Flower Capsules – 250 mg x 60 caps (6:1 extract strength)
This is the brand that my trusted adviser John Brisson at fixyourgut.com tells me is the best one to go with in terms of capsules/tablets. I have used this brand before for other herbals, and they seem to consistently have very high reviews across multiple sites (amazon, iherb, etc). Those two things combined are reason enough to make this my next test when it comes to PFE supplements.
Note that these are rated as a 6:1 extract strength. This means they are a little lower strength than something labeled as 2:1 for example. The higher the ratio number to the left, the more diluted in strength they will be.
1 capsule is the dosage, so while it's less in terms of mg per dose, the effect may be just as strong if not stronger than the bioplus brand I have used so far for instance. You'll have to do a bit of your own experimentation, just start slow and taper up as you see fit.
The product listing pages for this particular brand can be found here:
Nature's Answer Passion Flower Herb Tincture
This passion flower extract product from Nature's Answer has pretty good reviews (not that that's a be all end all when it comes to verifying a products value), and seems to have the highest herb/alcohol rating out of any of the tinctures from what I could find.
This product is a stronger form of tincture than the main competitor product Herb Pharm organic passionflower extract.
I am curious to see just how much difference there is from taking relative amounts of a tincture/drop form compared to tablets/capsules. I plan on ordering this one soon too, and will update this section when I've done some more experimentation.
The product listing pages for this particular brand can be found here:
Solaray Passion Flower Capsules – 350 mg x 100 caps
Another brand that I've used quite a bit in the past with no issues and that consistently have good reviews over multiple online platforms. This form doesn't say anything about the extract strength, it just states it's “passiflora incarnate (aerial with blossoms)” and suggests taking 2 x 350 mg capsules per dosage.
I'll give this one a shot sometime in the future when I've had a chance to assess the quality and effectiveness of the other 2 products above first.
The product listing pages for this particular brand can be found here:
Common Questions About Using Passion Flower
Are there any side effects To Taking Passion Flower Extract?
Firstly before reading this, please see our medical disclaimer first, and do not take anything here as medical advice, always seek advice from your health professional. Secondly, DO NOT use this if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.
As per the information I could dig up from the trusted webmd.com, this substance is apparently “likely safe” for most people when taken orally in larger amounts than you would usually find naturally in food (I guess they are referring to when you're having a cup of passion flower tea). It gets their “possibly safe” rating if it's being used medicinally for up to 2 months. It gets their “possibly unsafe” safety rating when taken in “large amounts”.
They mention that there could be side effects including dizziness and confusion, coordination problems, and “altered consciousness” amongst others. Check the “side effects” tab on this page for more information regarding possible side effects from taking passion flower.
My personal experience is that I just felt a little over tired and zoned out after taking up to 1500 mg in tablet form, when the recommended dosing of this particular supplement is 500 mg up to 3 x per day separately with food.
I have heard anecdotal claims that one may experience “GABA withdrawal” though I'm yet to have done any research on precisely what that means. I do know from taking the supplement phenibut in the past which also works on GABA receptors, that the same thing (feeling tired and zoned out) would happen if I took too much too close together, so maybe this is the effect of the said GABA withdrawal that people talk about being an issue.
Will I Experience Tolerance Buildup Using Passion Flower Extract?
Unfortunately as with all substances that affect GABA activity, you will have to watch tolerance buildup with passion flower extract, otherwise you'll start to encounter diminished effects and possibly some unpleasant side effects from over use.
This is only anecdotal, as I'm not sure if there are any studies into this precise area of much you can use GABA increasing supplements and how regularly, plus everyone is different anyway.
I have written a full section regarding this aspect of supplementing with Passionflower extract, please click here.
Are There Any Reported Negative Interactions With Other Substances?Yes, you'll want to be careful and research the required information before you take passion flower extract. A good resource for quickly looking at interactions online is the website webmd.com. Here is their listing for passionflower extract, and you can click on the tab for “interactions” to see the current data they have on this.
Where Can I Find Passion Flower Extract Online?
It's pretty easy to source, I usually go with either amazon or iherb.com in order to source my supplements. I've written about which particular passion flower extract supplements are worth looking into in this section here. LINK
Where Do I Buy Passion Flower Extract?Again, you can look at my passionflower product recommendations here. LINK
What Does the Passion Flower Supplement Do?
It's largely used as a calming and relaxing supplement or sedative, such as is the focus of this particular page, but it's also been used for help with insomnia, and used to be used for a variety of other issues including seizures though this is no longer common practice.
What Is Passion Flower Extract/Tincture Used For?
Already answered this one, if you missed it please read up on the intro and overview section found here. LINK
When Should I Take Passion Flower Extract?Firstly, seek advise from your medical professional first. Apart from that, according to directions for the particular supplement that I take, it's fine to take it with meals at any time of the day. Also they advise that if you want extra help sleeping, you may want to take an extra dose before heading to bed.
How Many Passion Flower Capsules Should I Take?
It's usually a good idea to take below or at the level recommended on the particular product you are using, and gradually taper up by small amounts until you get a nice effect. Best to separate your experiments too, so if for example you took 2 capsules on day 1 and it did nothing, don't take anymore that day, come back a day or 2 later, and start your experiment again with a slightly higher dosage amount.
How Do I Smoke Passion Flower Extract?I have not done this, and do not recommend it. (gross, would taste awful for a start) But if you really want to smoke the stuff, you can research further online, I'm sure you'll find more information. I just don't want to be the one providing instructions on that, sorry.
How Do I Use Passion Flower Extract for Anxiety?Well that's basically the focus of this entire 6000 plus word article, so I suggest you read a little more of this page if you haven't already 🙂
How Do I Make Passion Flower Extract?
I don't currently have any answer for this question. I would just seek to find a good product/supplier or get as close to the real thing in the form of tea from a local health food shop for example.
How Much Passion Flower Extract Is Too Much?Typically speaking you don't really want to go above around 700 mg per dosing, but this also will depend on how strong the extract is, and a variety of other factors (like if you're taking it on an empty stomach or with food for instance).
It's one of those areas where you might have to do a little bit of self experimentation to find out a good dose amount for you. If you start off at or below the recommended dosage and don't get any real effects, then just try gradually increasing your dosage by a very small amount on separate days to see if you can find the amount that starts to give you a good effect.
If you keep pushing it too far, you'll likely know about it, and you may experience a GABA withdrawal which will not be pleasant, so it's best to try and be sensible about how much you are taking, and observe the fact that you can't take GABA increasing supplements all the time without a break regularly for the very fact that you will get withdrawals and negative side effects if you push it too far.
How Does Passion Flower Extract Work?I've discussed this in more detail further up the page, found here LINK. But basically passion flower acts to increase the activation of GABA neurotransmitters in the brain which are inhibitory by nature, and therefore can create calming effects within the brain and central nervous system, especially for those of us who have problems with maintaining normal levels of GABA due to temporary biological factors or genetics.
How Much Passion Flower Extract Should I Use to Get High?Not that I would suggest using such things to try and get high, but some people have reported being able to get a “high” from using passion flower extract. How much one would use with such a goal is completely subjective, and would require some self experimentation.
That's really not the way it should be used though in my opinion. If it can give me a slightly more calm and relaxed state of awareness then I consider that much more useful than getting “high” from using passion flower.
How Much Passion Flower Extract Should I Take?This is going to depend on several factors, the main ones being; whether or not you're using 1:1 extract vs say 4:1, what your personal biology and genetics are, what form of PFE you're supplementing with, whether you're taking it on an empty stomach or with food, how much you've recently taken PFE or other GABA based anxiolytics, etc, etc.
So basically the best bet in most cases (not giving you medical advice, and please seek your Doctors opinion before taking anything – see disclaimer here) is to start off small and taper up as you feel comfortable.
Can I Use Passion Flower Extract for Sleep?
Yes, and while that's not the main focus of this article, apart from PFE being used for sleep and insomnia problems for centuries, the fact that it helps with anxiety will generally mean that it will help you sleep better too, as the two issues often play off of each other in my experience.
What Is the Correct Passion Flower Extract Dosage?As noted a couple of questions above, this depends on multiple factors, please see here for the full answer. LINK
Is Passion Flower Extract Addictive?
It's hard to find any evidence based information on this one, though all the sources seem to indicate that passion flower extract is not addictive.
One could also take into account that it's often prescribed to those looking for anxiety relief who are hooked on Xanax or other truly physiologically addictive substances. So that would indicate that with PFE we're dealing with a relatively benign natural substance.
Their may be some level of psychological addiction if you experience a lot of positive benefits from using passion flower, and this would be the case with any substance that makes you feel good but this is not really true addiction in the normal use of the word.
Is Passion Flower Extract Safe During Pregnancy?NO! Do NOT take this while you're either pregnant or breast feeding. Please see the warning here on webmd.com under “side effects”.
Is Passion Flower Extract Safe?Although passionflower extract is definitely not safe if you are either pregnant or breastfeeding, In most cases it's relatively safe, yes. I discussed the specific answer to this type of question further up on this page, please see here. LINK
Can Passion Flower Extract Be Used for Babies?I WOULD NOT mess with it with my child, but you should definitely be asking your medical professional about something as serious as potentially giving your child any type of herb, supplement or drug. Please see our disclaimer here.
Passion Flower Extract Versions And
Comparisons To Other Anxiolytics
Passion Flower Tea Vs Extract
Typically speaking seeing as they are both basically pure PFE there is not a whole lot of difference except for strength. If you are taking tea for passionflower's anti anxiety effects, then it's logical that you might have to consume a bit more volume than if taking the refined product.
It's really hard to say how much tea equals how much extract in the form of either capsules, tablets or tincture, so it's one of those areas where some experimentation may be required to figure out the difference in strength and effect.
Passion Flower Extract Vs. CapsulesReally these are often the same thing, as most of the passion flower extract that's sold actually comes in capsule or tablet form anyway, with the exception being tinctures like that produced by the companies Herb Pharm or Nature's Answer (Amazon links)
Passion Flower Tincture Vs TeaAs covered above, the only real difference with these two different products is going to be the strength and therefore how much is required in order to get the desired effects. Tincture will generally be much stronger, and will require a small dose compared to drinking tea made with leaves of the passion flower.
Passion Flower Capsules Vs LiquidAlready covered this one, so please just read the above 2 sub sections.
Passion Flower Extract Vs XanaxXanax is a drug, whereas passion flower extract is a herbal remedy. Xanax is also often considered very high risk in terms of addiction and dependency, and can have very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as increased anxiety and insomnia. Other withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking, muscle pain and sweating can also be experienced too [8].
Typically the risks of taking PFE are much lower than taking Xanax and from reading many anecdotal reports, the positive effects of taking passion flower are sometimes just as pronounced as when a person had taken Xanax.
Popular Passion Flower Choices
Your Experiences And Discussion On PFE
This is where I'm asking you for your feedback on using passion flower extract to relieve anxiety, or any other way that you might use it to improve your state (Maybe you don't really have bad anxiety, but just like the mild calming and focusing state that it provides anyway). I've personally found this to be a great tool to add to the anxiolytic tool belt, though I don't like to use anything too much as a crutch.
What's your experience been using this herb, and how does it compare to other similar things that you've tried for state management? Love to hear your thoughts in the comments below, so please join the discussion!
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- http://antranik.org/examples-of-neurotransmitters-that-are-usually-excitatory/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26912265
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26828002
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26814055
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24724122
- http://theherbgardener.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/how-to-make-passion-flower-tea.html
- http://universityhealthnews.com/daily/depression/4-gaba-deficiency-symptoms-you-can-identify-yourself/
- https://www.addictioncenter.com/benzodiazepines/xanax/withdrawal-detox/
Nick, hello! Thank you for this post. I looked for passion flower uses in different forms, and found your site. This is very useful and informative for me.
I have rheumatoid arthritis for 17 years, and sometimes have trouble sleeping due to insomnia or just joint pain, and overall feeling low. I used to buy Yogi tea for sleeping from iHerb, but it stopped working for me. I tried passion flower tincture from Nature’s Answer, alcohol free, and it works really well so far (I used it for a week). I put about 40 drops into a cup of water and drink before going to sleep, and some relaxing tea before or after that. It works together and helped me falling and staying asleep. I think I’ll try buying just passion flower in a dried form and make tea or tincture myself 🙂
For two decades I struggled with severe depression and anxiety. Tried several kinds of therapy and supplements but to no avail. Out of frustration, I just decided to live with the disorder and wait till I snap. While browsing online on what sleeping product to buy, I purchased 1000 mg Passion Flower supplement out of curiosity. If I overdose, it’s ok. I took one pill, and couldn’t believe of the immediate effect. I felt calm, happy and mind you, my urge to go to casino (i go regularly), was totally gone. I’m not a believer to any cure on my mental issues but I felt a significant improvement. Is this a miracle pill?