My Independent Spooky2 Rife Machine Review + Self Experiment

This page will serve as somewhat of a journal of self experimentation into my use of the Spooky2 Rife machine, which I just purchased (3rd of the way into 2018) View the “My Updates” section of this page to see my latest feedback on using the Spooky2. I go on about quite a few subjects related to this experiment, including the possibilities of this tech, my initial thoughts, etc, so please feel  free to click on a link below in the Table of Contents to jump to an area that you find more specifically interesting to you:

P.S. The Specific Spooky Device That I'm Using Is THIS ONE >>

My Intro Story – Becoming A “Rifer”

I've been aware of Rife machines for about 5 years now, and it's actually the Spooky2 that I was interested in back when I first researched into the area of Rife machines, Rife frequencies and their potential for “electro medicine” as the term has been coined. I'm certainly the open minded type, which you'll gather if you've read any of the other articles on this website, and for me the idea of using a Rife Generator like the Spooky2 to kill pathogens and help detox the body makes sense.

In fact I was very close to purchasing a Spooky2 back in 2012 when I first started to experience the health issues that I have now self diagnosed as being somewhat similar to the labelled condition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS and otherwise known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME), which anyone can basically identify with if they've had ongoing fatigue issues for more than a period of 4 months that have not improved with rest, and also if you experience other common symptoms that often go along with this such as brain fog, muscle weakness/achyness, then it's likely you could be classified as having CFS [Ref 1].

I totally agree with the theory that CFS is basically the bodies response (exemplified via the output of symptoms) to too many pathogens, whether it be viral, bacterial, fungal or a combination of all of those things. So this idea that we can basically kill off those pathogens by destroying their cells and basically wiping them out of our body, is very appealing indeed, particularly when supplemental, dietary, and lifestyle changes have not shown any remarkable improvements.

The Rife Machine is not a new invention by any means, and if you're aware of the history of this fascinating technology, then you'll be aware that it's in fact been known about since the 1930s when Royal Rife created the first plasma beam (sounds scary I know). Spooky2 however is rather revolutionary in the fact that it's vastly more affordable than your traditional rife machine, where typically you'll be looking at spending several thousands of $$$$, and that will generally be for the main (generator) components, not to mention the possible expenses of addons and hidden costs that can emerge with making purchases such as these.

Good Books To Learn More About Rifing

The Spooky2 can be bought for as little as a couple of hundred dollars, and you can get started, though like me, you might see the immediate benefits of having multiple generators running at a time, and therefore want to invest in at the very least, the “Essentials Kit” seen here on their main website.

Being my first venture into the “world of Rife” I certainly have a LOT to learn, and this page will be somewhat of a journal into my experiences with the product. I remain very hopeful and somewhat excited at this point, and whilst I've only really just begun playing around with this tech, the large amount of support and positive feedback (by way of the Facebook groups, and their online forum) is keeping me optimistic for my future using this tool.

My Choice On Which Spooky2 To Get

After looking at my options, and doing some research into how the Spooky2 is used, it seemed for me that the best investment of my money up front, based on restricted resources, was the Spooky2 essentials kit, which features 2 x XM Generators and all the required addons, etc needed to use the multiple functions which the generators along with the Spooky2 software allow for.

Spooky2 kit

For me, this worked out to be around $580 USD, after shipping across from China to Australia, and as I mentioned before, compared to other options in the Rife Machine market place, it's really really affordable and I was happy to pay that price for 2 x generators. While I still view this as an experiment, it's also an investment into my health and this website too, because I can share what I learn with my audience (you guys reading) and hopefully help other people make a well educated decision on whether this stuff is quackery, or actually has some legitimate healing potential.

P.S. The Specific Spooky Device That I'm Using Is THIS ONE >>

Spooky 2 machines



The Experiment Begins!

So I ordered the essential kit (the contents of which you can see below in the images) and about a week after my order was placed online via the Spooky Mall website, my box arrived. All smooth sailing from purchase to receiving  the product, except for one rather minor issue, that being that the sunglasses included in my package were broken, with one of the sides being shattered (again see images).

However, the sunglasses are really an afterthought for me, and I wasn't even aware that they were part of the package (apparently they are for use with the cold laser device included with the essentials kit), and I was just happy that the main generator units and everything else seemed to be fine.

I have however sent the images of the broken sunglasses and emailed Spooky2's support, and we'll see how good their after sales support is with issues such as this, so far they have not replied after about a day, which seems a bit slower than their initial support pre and during the sales process, but I'll give it some more time and update here based on what happens.

A Look At My Initial Spooky Setup

So the below images show both what I got in my essentials kit as I pulled it out of the shipping box, and then my current/initial setup with the Spooky2 that I'm running my first initial test runs with:

The First Trial Of Spooky2 – The Remote “Terrain” Protocol

It's advised that the very first time you run Spooky2 on yourself, that you run what's called the “Terrain” protocol or program, which is found in the Detox >> Remote lists in the software.

You can see a screenshot here below of my laptop running this program, and as I write this I've been running this remotely for nearly a full day now, at 23 hours and 7 minutes. You are supposed to run this program for 11 days! Now, I'm still EXTREMELY sceptical when it comes to the effectiveness of this “remote” ability of the Spooky2, but I'm willing to try things, and just see how it goes for now, after all, humans will figure out this stuff at some point, so why not believe it's already happening in our lifetime?

Screen of laptop showing the settings for Spooky2 setup

So I have another 10 days or so of running this first program (which basically just loops a bunch of different detox frequencies over and over again, detox frequencies that are thought to commonly help most people) remotely.

I Get Help From A Christian Muscle Testing Expert

So this hasn't happened just yet, but I should be getting help from an expert in muscle testing, who claims that running the frequencies in the Spooky2 database will not be enough to find all the correct frequencies for my personal situation in order to get rid of the pathogens completely. She's basically telling me that I'm wasting my time, and with her knowledge, I can make progress a lot faster (or at least make progress at all).

Initially this woman (I won't name her yet) told me that she charges $$$ per session, etc, etc, and I was basically like “why would I trust you, I have no idea who you are?”, and so it turns out she's agreed to help me for free at least initially, based on the fact that I can help spread her work via this blog, and my audience (assuming what she does legitimately helps me).

My Updates – (In order from latest to oldest)

Update 13th June, 2018

So I've now owned my spooky2 for about 2 1/2 months. I think I'm in a better position now to say whether or not I think it's a valuable tool, although in terms of seeing all the benefits of using a rife machine, I think I'm still definitely very early on in my journey.

I'll sum up my experience so far with the following points:

    • Value For Money Rifing
    • Versatile Tool With Spooky2
    • Good Customer Support Experience

Value For Money Rifing

The Spooky2 XM generators (also the Gen X) are definitely the cheapest solution out there by a mile in terms of allowing someone into the world of treating themselves with Rife frequencies. If you look at some of the competitors, like the True Rife F-117 machine for example, just for the frequency generator alone, you're looking at around $3000 investment, and that's not including any of the accessories which you will probably need to actually be able to benefit from the machine. Very expensive indeed for most of us.

Whereas with Spooky2, if you go with the option that I did, and get the essentials kit with 2 XM generators then you will be getting a great starting kit for under $600 which enables you to run 2 different generators off and on beside each other. For example, I have 1 generator setup to use for direct treatments using the foot bath method (pictured below) with 2 cylinders, and the other XM generator is solely used for remote treatments.

Versatile Tool With Spooky2

With the Spooky2, not only do you have a lot of ways of applying your treatments (TENS pads, hand cylinders, remote, and TENS wires) you also have the ability to use the hardware to create things like Colloidal Silver. So I think the versatility of this tool is really great value for money. For example you'd have to spend like $50 USD to get 16 fl oz of good quality Colloidal Silver, like the one I bought on here.

Good Customer Support Experience

In my opinion, when spending any decent amount of money for anything, even more so I feel for a product related to health and wellness, we need to have a good experience with the customer support to feel “safe” and supported in our purchase. The support staff at Spooky2 have now shown me repeatedly that they are there to help me. The other day I had a database corruption issue on my 2nd computer using Spooky2, and within a couple of emails I had it sorted and was back up and running.

Based on the above, I'm now choosing to be willing to refer my readers to the Spooky2, so any links that you click here that go to Spooky2, if you decided to purchase a machine, would give me a very small kickback, which helps me to fund this site and keep creating new good content to help people like me overcome health issues like CFS, or whatever it is that you might be dealing with. This journey that I'm on will hopefully help others, through my experimentation and discovery of what works, and what doesn't work (at least for my personal experience).

Here is my current setup using the 2 XM Generators with foot baths and the older version metal cylinders:

Two feet on a basin while using the Spooky2

I like to setup and watch a show on my other laptop while I'm running the Spooky2 direct treatments with the footbaths.

Watching movie while using Spooky2

Update 15th April, 2018

I've now been getting this woman's help with both using spooky and my overall health issues for the past 3 weeks or so. Let's just call her “M” for now, but M basically asked me for a photograph of myself including my face and shoulders so that she could perform her “reading” of me, where she apparently uses muscle testing on herself, acting as me, to find out information related to my health, like for example, the level of toxicity I currently have as a % rating out of 100 (100% being dead), and other things like how much dried fecal matter I have lining my intestines and making a home for nasty parasites and bugs (gross I know).

Anyway, I'm early days into my work with M, but I'm really fascinated by what's she's told me so far. Basically the day after I had sent her the requested photograph of myself, she gave me a very detailed email report with many many things that were going on with me, including what I just mentioned above, and lots more. The amount of effort that M put into this was very very encouraging, and some of the things she said totally made sense, as I'd already come to similar conclusions about my condition (for example I am 99% sure that I have had pretty Candida overgrowing in my gut, and that's been a big cause of my brain fog, and M confirmed this, and told me it was a big thing that needed to be worked on for me to progress in feeling better.

In terms of how this relates to Spooky, M has me using a special method where I am using the TENS wires directly in 2 baths of water, one for each foot, and that's how I'm applying the different frequencies for healing the various pathogens that I apparently have.

You can see images of how this setup looks below for the Spooky2:

Anyway, that's my update for now. I'm very new into my work with M, and this new method of using Spooky, but I can't say if it has helped or hindered me yet. Keep checking back here, as I'll be posting regular updates on my progress with rifing and the use of Spooky2.



Spooky2 XM Rife Machine Summary

Product Name: Spooky2 XM Rife Machine

Price: 100

Currency: USD

Availability: InStock

  • Features
  • Price
  • Customer Support
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Nick Earl

About The Authors - Founder at, Nick is passionate about learning and implementing all information related to achieving optimum health. He's since made it his mission to learn, live and share these principles, many of which you can find on this blog. Read more of Nick's personal story here, as well as our mission here on this site, here.


  1. Elizabeth Gallagher March 30, 2018
    • Nick Earl March 30, 2018
  2. sam April 25, 2018
  3. Bev May 20, 2018
    • Nick Earl May 21, 2018
  4. Bev May 31, 2018
    • Nick Earl June 1, 2018
  5. Bev June 4, 2018
  6. Tony June 10, 2018
    • Nick Earl June 13, 2018
  7. Dr D June 26, 2018
  8. Marek June 27, 2018
    • Nick Earl July 3, 2018
  9. Lisa July 2, 2018
    • Nick Earl July 3, 2018
  10. John August 20, 2018
    • Nick Earl August 21, 2018
  11. John August 21, 2018
  12. Pascale November 4, 2018
  13. Bev November 10, 2018
  14. Janie January 15, 2019
  15. Kris February 12, 2019
  16. Skeptikc February 15, 2019
  17. J March 2, 2019
    • Nick Earl March 3, 2019
  18. Vasyl March 28, 2019
  19. Ana April 11, 2019
  20. CAW April 28, 2019
  21. Vinyl Lady June 13, 2019
    • Nick Earl July 23, 2019
  22. Grant July 10, 2019
  23. iris February 5, 2020
  24. Ross February 16, 2020
  25. blair marsh July 30, 2020
  26. RenwikSokScobre August 6, 2020
  27. Christie August 11, 2020

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