If you were like I was a few months back – sick and tired of getting cold sores all the time, and frustrated with how long, irritating and burdensome they are to get rid of, then you’re going to find this page very very interesting indeed. I believe I’ve finally “cracked it” when it comes […]
Continue readingPassion Flower extract is something that I’ve just recently become aware of for it’s anxiolytic properties. I’ve tried quite a few different natural and chemically synthesized remedies for anxiety relief over the years, just off the top of my head this list more recently including Kratom, Phenibut, CBD oil, Rescue Remedy, Skullcap, Valerian and I guess alcohol. […]
Continue readingWhat if there was a supplement that massively increased the effectiveness of all the other supplements you took, giving you a huge boost in absorption? Well, it seems from a little online research that this could actually be a reality, and may have been for quite some time. According to one area of growing research, it’s possible to boost […]
Continue readingInterested in increasing your supplement and dietary absorption values by using Bioperine and/or Piperine? I’ve done a bit of research into the available supplements in this area, and compiled that information here, so others might benefit from my study time. Introduction Into Bioperine/Piperine Supplement Options If you are coming to this page after reading the […]
Continue readingThis page will serve as my honest experience with Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Glutathione. I’ll be treating this like a review, but also a constantly updated progress diary for the first 4-6 weeks of my usage of this supplement. I literally received my box today, and took the first 1 ml dosage before breakfast. You can […]
Continue readingCannabadiol otherwise known as CBD is something that caught my eye recently, and I was impressed by some of the claims made for it’s apparent efficacy in treating a wide range of health issues, and it’s suggested mental and emotional healing effects. So here I’ll be reporting on my experimentation with a CBD product called […]
Continue readingThe purpose of this page is in both the expression of my own personal Pyroluria story, and eventually in the creation of a kind of “all in one resource page on Pyroluria” which I really hope can help many find the answers they are looking for regarding overcoming this difficult, but manageable blood disorder which has […]
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